JJG classes are broken up into age groups.
2-3 year olds are in class together, 4-5 year olds together and school
agers are grouped together. Each class is held once per week and
is 30 minutes of high energy fitness that introduces a different sport each
week! 7 sports in total in 8 weeks! For the low price of $60.00, your child can
participate in JJG classes for
2 MONTHS!!!!!
(Directors Please inquire about
group discounts if a school will be covering costs!!!!)
2-3 year olds are in class together, 4-5 year olds together and school
agers are grouped together. Each class is held once per week and
is 30 minutes of high energy fitness that introduces a different sport each
week! 7 sports in total in 8 weeks! For the low price of $60.00, your child can
participate in JJG classes for
2 MONTHS!!!!!
(Directors Please inquire about
group discounts if a school will be covering costs!!!!)